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Tampa Business Litigation Attorneys / Tampa Estate Planning Attorneys

Tampa Estate Planning Attorneys

All adults in Tampa, and throughout the country should have a comprehensive estate plan. Wills are often the foundation of estate plans, but there is much more needed than this in any estate plan. Below, our Tampa estate planning attorneys outline the most important documents to include in your plan and how we can help with your case.

Last Will and Testament

Wills should always be included as part of an estate plan. Most notably, wills are a tool that outline how property should be distributed upon a person’s death. However, your will can do much more than just this. Your will can name a personal representative for the estate, who can then act as an executor. If you do not name a personal representative, the court will appoint one for you. Your will can also designate a guardian for your minor children, which is another decision the court will have to make if you do not appoint one yourself.


Trusts are very popular ways to transfer assets to loved ones after you pass away. By drafting a revocable trust, your family members can avoid the costly and inconvenient probate process. This means your loved ones can receive their inheritance faster, and the details of the trust will remain confidential. This is unlike probate proceedings in court, which become a matter of public record.

There are different types of trusts and they all have different benefits, such as tax savings and protecting government benefits of a loved one with special needs. You can also control the assets within a trust during your lifetime and name a successor trustee who will take over these duties after you pass away.

Advance Directives

A comprehensive estate plan does not only help your loved ones after you pass away. It can also offer you great protection during your lifetime, particularly if you include advance directives within it.

Advance directives provide instructions to your proxy or surrogate in the event that you ever become incapacitated and cannot make decisions for yourself. There are many different types of advance directives that offer different types of protection. For example, you may choose to draft a living will, power of attorney, or a health care surrogate. If you ever become incapacitated, even temporarily, a court will appoint someone to make these decisions for you if you have not previously designated someone. The person the court appoints may not be the same person you would have chosen if you were able to do so.

Call Our Experienced Estate Planning Attorneys in Tampa Today

At BBDG Law, our Tampa estate planning attorneys will sit down with you to ensure we understand your personal situation as well as your estate planning needs and goals. We will make sure that all of your documents are prepared properly and accurately to ensure they are in accordance with your wishes. Call us today at (813) 221-3759 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get more of the information you need.