Florida Trucking, Cargo & Auto Liability Attorney
Since its inception, BBDG has provided specialized representation to the trucking industry. The firm has handled all manner of significant injury and death claims. Firm lawyers are ready to go with immediate investigation of large loss claims. Our Florida trucking, cargo & auto liability attorneys understand the importance of preserving evidence, securing its “work product” investigation and initiating the “attorney-client” relationship at the earliest stages following a large loss claim. Firm lawyers are sometimes called to accident scenes in the middle of the night and in practically every venue of Florida in order to effectuate a timely investigation.
As a so called “target defendant”, trucking industry clients understand the importance of hiring a firm that has specialized knowledge and experience with these incidents. The firm’s representation of its trucking industry clients also includes handling cargo claims and losses under the Carmack Amendment. The firm also handles other serious as well as garden variety auto negligence claims for insurance carriers and businesses.

Handling Trucking, Cargo & Auto Liability Claims
- Motor vehicle accidents resulting in alleged bodily injury or property damage.
- Collisions involving commercial vehicles up to and including semi-tractor trailers.
- Cargo damage claims that implicate federal law and the highly-complex “Carmack Amendment”.
- Handling large loss claims, including wrongful death.