Tampa Advance Directives Attorneys
All Florida residents have the right to make decisions about their own health and medical care. This includes the right to choose medical treatment, as well as refuse it. Sometimes, medical conditions such as a coma or dementia render a person unable to make these decisions on their own.
If you become incapacitated like this at some point in the future, you still have the right to choose your own medical treatment. Creating an advance directive while you still possess the mental capacity to do so will ensure that in the event that you need it, you will require only the care you want. Below, our Tampa advance directives attorneys explain further.
What is an Advance Directive?
State law provides every adult in Florida the right to draft an advance directive. An advance directive will instruct an attending physician to provide, withdraw, or withhold life-saving measures. An advance directive also appoints someone else to make decisions about your medical treatment in the event that you are unable to do so for yourself. There are three different kinds of advance directives you can create in Florida.
Living Wills
Living wills formally declare to your doctor, as well as other medical professionals and your loved ones, about the use of respirators, feeding tubes, or other life-saving procedures in the event that you are ever incapacitated or have a terminal condition. To execute a living will properly in Tampa you must sign the document in front of two witnesses, one of whom is not related to you by blood. If you cannot sign, you must direct one of the witnesses to sign on your behalf. You must also notify your doctor about the existence of the living will.
Healthcare Surrogate
When you designate a healthcare surrogate, you legally declare that another person is authorized to make medical decisions for you if you do not have the mental capacity to do so. Your surrogate will then have the authority to consent to certain medical treatments and consult with your doctors. Like a living will, two witnesses must sign the document, one of whom is not a blood relative or spouse.
Durable Power of Attorney
Durable powers of attorney also provide someone the authority to make decisions about your health care if you become incapacitated. The durable power of attorney, though, can be quite limited in scope. For example, if your only preference is that you do not want life support or feeding tubes, you can include these wishes in your durable power of attorney. Your durable power of attorney must be notarized and witnessed by two people, one of whom cannot be a blood relative or a spouse.
Our Advance Directive Attorneys in Tampa Can Draft Your Plan
At BBDG Law, our Tampa advance directive attorneys can help you draft your legal documents and ensure they are executed properly so they provide the protection you need. Call us today at (813) 221-3759 or contact us online to request a consultation with our experienced attorneys and to get the legal help you need.