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Tampa Business Litigation Attorneys / Tampa Contract Attorneys

Tampa Contract Attorneys

As a business owner, you have many different tasks to tend to. This includes drafting and signing a number of different documents such as commercial leases, employment agreements, general contracts, and more. These legal tools can be used to help your company grow but if they are not executed properly, they can also bring on a number of liabilities. Our Tampa contract attorneys can ensure that your agreements are drafted in a way that will protect your best interests, and those of your business.

General Business Contracts

General business contracts are the foundation of your entire operation. These agreements help define specific situations, hold parties accountable, and avoid misunderstandings. A few of the most common types of general contracts we draft include:

  • Asset protection: Service agreements, warranties, and other documents can protect your investment in the assets your business relies on to operate.
  • Articles of incorporation: Not all businesses require articles of incorporation. Florida law requires Articles of Incorporation for corporations and Articles of Organization for LLCs to contain the name of the business, street address of the main office, the number of shares to be issued, and the name and address of the registered agent.
  • Corporate bylaws: Bylaws are used by businesses to organize and define the management structure.
  • Distribution agreements: If you are working with a distributor, it is important to outline the terms of the arrangement so there is less chance of a misunderstanding and grounds for a lawsuit if you have to enter litigation.
  • Purchase and sales agreements for goods and services: You will regularly need agreement with suppliers and other companies when purchasing goods and services from them.

Employment Contracts

As you hire and fire employees, you must ensure that you are complying with state law to protect yourself from liability. It is critical to have employment agreements and contracts that define roles and detailed responsibilities. Employment contracts are sometimes challenging to navigate.

A general employment contract will outline the terms of the employment including the rights and responsibilities of the employee, the term of employment, and other details. A general employment contract may also include a non-compete agreement and a non-disclosure agreement, or these can be written as separate contracts.

A non-compete agreement prohibits current and former employees from starting or working for a company in a similar industry within a certain geographical area. Non-disclosure agreements prohibit employees from leaking confidential information about the business, such as trade secrets.

Our Contract Attorneys in Tampa Can Protect Your Business

When drafting contracts that will protect you and your business, you should not go through it alone. Employers with employees face many risks and there are many important decisions that can significantly impact the success of your enterprise. At BBDG Law, our Tampa contract attorneys can properly draft and execute contracts for your business to make sure you have the protection you need. Contact us today by calling (813) 221-3759 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need.