Tampa Elder Abuse Attorneys
When people reach a certain age, they deserve to retire comfortably and live out the rest of their days safely and contentedly. Unfortunately, getting older also presents many physical and mental challenges that leave some people vulnerable. Other people know this and sadly, they sometimes take advantage of that fact. Elder abuse is much more common than many people would like to think and both dependent and independent individuals can become victims. Below, our Tampa elder abuse attorneys explain more about this devastating type of abuse.
What are the Different Types of Elder Abuse?
Many people immediately think of physical abuse when considering elder abuse. This is just one type of abuse elders suffer, though. The most common types of elder abuse include:
- Physical abuse: Physical abuse can include pushing, slapping, hitting, kicking, and burning. The use of chemical and physical restraints is also included in this type of abuse.
- Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse is the most common form of elder abuse. This type of abuse inflicts distress upon an older individual and places them in fear or mental pain. Threats, harassment, and humiliation are all different types of emotional abuse.
- Financial abuse: When someone mismanages an older adult’s finances or assets, it is known as financial abuse. Stealing property from an elder or tricking or manipulating them into signing important financial documents, such as a power of attorney, for the benefit of the abuser are all common examples of financial abuse.
- Sexual abuse: Just as with other types of sexual abuse, this type of abuse occurs any time a person forces an elder into sexual contact.
- Neglect: Neglect differs from abuse slightly. While abuse such as physical and emotional abuse is intentional, neglect is not. Neglect refers to the failure to provide elders with their needs and failing to provide a safe and healthy environment for elders. While unintentional, neglect causes elders severe harm and people can be held liable for it.
Common Signs of Elder Abuse
While elder abuse is a very serious matter, many victims do not come forward to report it. Elders often feel ashamed or embarrassed and in some instances, they do not even realize it is happening. For this reason, it is critical that loved ones can recognize the signs of abuse and stop it from happening when it occurs. The most common signs of abuse are as follows:
- Injuries that cannot be explained
- Bed sores
- Unexplained loss of weight
- An unhygienic appearance, such as unwashed hair or dirty clothing
- Unpaid bills or disconnected utilities, even when the elder should have plenty of resources to pay for them
- A loss of interest in activities or hobbies the elder once loved
- Becoming socially withdrawn
- Behavior changes
Our Elder Abuse Attorneys in Tampa Can Help Your Family
There is no excuse for elder abuse and liable parties should be held accountable for their actions. At BBDG Law, our Tampa elder abuse attorneys are dedicated to helping seniors and their families and we will put that expertise to work for you, too. Call us today at (813) 221-3759 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.